AIM Pilgrim Trust Collections Care Audit – Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum

AIM grant £1,100

We applied for the audit to get advice on three main areas:

  • How to store such a diverse collection with different storage needs in one room
  • How to stabilise temperature and humidity in the storeroom
  • Whether the room is suitable for long-term use.

The report and auditor’s visit have confirmed that we had serious problems with fluctuation of temperature and humidity in the storeroom (which have been mitigated but not fully solved), and that the room may not be suitable for collections storage in the long term due to moisture in the walls, various vents and proximity to electrical cupboards. It has provided advice on how to improve current conditions as much as possible, and also made suggestions for longer-term forward planning.

It was really beneficial to work with an accredited conservator. Wilma was happy to answer all of my questions and it was great to have honest conversations with her; she grasped the problems small museums face.

It is my hope that the museum will continue working with Wilma in the future – to analyse the environmental data gathered over the year, and also to hire her to audit the museum display areas which also see severe fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Kirke Kook, Manager / Curator, Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum

 Pictured: Exterior and interior of Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum