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Training grant – The Peace Museum
The AIM Training Grant enabled The Peace Museum to send their Curator to the International Network of Museums For Peace Conference in Uppsala, Sweden.
As well as attending the three-day conference and evening events, they presented about the development and interpretation of The Peace Museums collection over the last twenty-five years. The conference theme was, ‘Museums As Peacekeepers for the Future’ and this event could have not been more timely for The Peace Museum in Bradford, as we work on the final stages for our reopening in summer 2024.
The main reflection taken away from the conference was that museums for peace are continuing to open and close all around the world while facing difficulties due to political changes, funding limitations or significant world events. Getting to learn about how a peace museum in Imphal, Manipur is funded or how the October 6 Museum Project collects objects, allowed the Curator to take these examples back to the museum and reflect about what works for us, what we could develop and what peace means to audiences in the UK.
Charlotte Houlahan, Curator, The Peace Museum