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Culture Recovery Fund Wales
Welsh Government will be providing a £18.5m fund for cultural organisations – which include independent museums participating in the Accreditation scheme.
This fund is a rescue and recovery fund to ensure organisations survive and remain vibrant and sustainable into next year, but the Welsh Government are keen the funding is also used as an opportunity to deliver transformational change.
Likely eligible costs would include those around supporting essential costs (including staffing costs), help with reopening and building adaptions, remedial work on collections and improving security and collections care, continuing and enhancing digital offers, encouraging online transactions, promotional activities to encourage visitor confidence and costs around resetting and developing more resilient business models.
- The eligibility checker is online now:
- Applications will open on 14 September, with a closing date of 30 September
- Funding is at two levels: a) up to £10,000 (quicker process); b) £10,000 – £150,000 (more detailed process) and can fund 100% of eligible costs
- The funding is to cover the period from October 2020 to 31 March 2021.
Welsh Government MAALD will be sending out further information and FAQs and there will be a separate fund for local authority museums to be announced soon.
Read more about the open applications for the Culture Recovery Fund for England and Scotland here.