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Digital Heritage Hub launched to answer the sector’s digital questions
A Digital Heritage Hub has been launched to answer 100 of the heritage sector’s most pressing digital questions thanks to £435,300 funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS).
The Digital Heritage Hub, a collaborative project led by Arts Marketing Association in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds, also links to 100 free resources to help small and medium-sized organisations boost their digital knowledge and capability.
The project teams researched and consulted with the sector to find heritage organisations’ most pressing and frequently asked digital questions – from how to use digital to generate revenue to how to use data for strategic decision making.
The resulting answers help set out the what, the why and the how of digital for organisations that are time and resource poor, or just lack confidence in knowing where to start.
Cath Hume, CEO at the Arts Marketing Association said: “We want to empower organisations, give them the knowledge and the inspiration to see how beneficial digital can be, and help them find meaningful ways to apply it to their organisation’s aims.
“A lot of small to medium organisations don’t have access to, or the means to access, professional expertise. The Digital Heritage Hub will be their free, one stop shop of the expertise they need to take the next step – or even the first step – in their digital journey.”
The hub is part of the Heritage Fund’s £3.5m Digital Skills for Heritage initiative which is raising digital skills and confidence across the UK heritage sector.
Josie Fraser, Head of Digital Policy at the Heritage Fund, said: “We have been delighted at the excitement the Digital Heritage Hub launch has generated.
“Thanks to money raised by National Lottery players and funding from DCMS, the Heritage Fund has made a significant investment in resources to help the sector get the most out of digital and this new online resource hub is a welcome addition to this offer. It will mean that heritage organisations can get to grips with digital questions when they need to, and at their own pace.”
The Digital Heritage Hub is now live and ready to use, with more answers set to be added over the coming months.