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Hallmarks at Home – Does an object speak for itself?
Where: Zoom online forum
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
This webinar will explore how an object can have layers and layers of depth and history that are supplemented in time by new evidence, fresher perspectives (especially be previously unheard voices) and ways of seeing by diverse audiences. All of this adds to our shared pool of knowledge and can enrich us as beings.
Ideal for anyone who is involved in a curatorial / programming role, and is seeking ways of telling new and broader stories from the objects in the collection. The webinar will be interactive, giving you practical experience and an opportunity to network and share ideas with others.
Hosted by Raj Patel, a curator/historian and activist. With a long career of having worked in the cultural sector in various capacities, he is now a freelance curator/consultant and has worked on projects at the National Trust, English Heritage and other heritage institutions, including supporting AIM’s Re:collections programme with Welsh museums.
Online webinar, taking place on Zoom. Exclusively for AIM members, places limited. Click here to book your place>>