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Hallmarks at Home – Purpose: Find your why
Where: Zoom online forum
Time: 10.30 - 12.30
Find your why. Learn how to create a clear, compelling purpose for your museum
AIM’s first Hallmark is Purpose; a clear statement about why you are there which should be shared by everyone in your museum.
Learn how to create your pitch – it’s more complex than you imagine! Once you have a pitch, if someone asks you about your museum or you’re bidding for funding, you can clearly state why you exist and why you deserve to be supported. It will become a very powerful statement and will transform how you think about yourself.
What this workshop will cover:
- be clear about your purpose: what is your museum for?
- how to ensure you all share the same vision
- vision, mission and purpose: are they different and does it matter?
This workshop will be interactive, engaging and stimulating.
What you will take away:
- the beginnings of your vision and mission
- how to involve all your volunteers/staff in creating your purpose
- top tips on creating a shared vision and mission
Hilary McGowan is a leading governance and resilience museums consultant with over 35 years helping museums to grow stronger and change so they can thrive. Her background as a Museum Director in York, Exeter and Bristol, and as a Trustee of Bletchley Park means she understands every point of view. She is known for her lively and stimulating workshops.
10.30 – 12.30pm Wednesday 6 October.
Click here to book your place on Zoom>>