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Hallmarks at Home – Purpose: Find your why
Where: Zoom online forum
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Find your why. Learn how to create a clear, compelling purpose for your museum
AIM’s first Hallmark is Purpose; a clear statement about why you are there which should be shared by everyone in your museum.
Learn how to create your pitch – it’s more complex than you imagine! Once you have a pitch, if someone asks you about your museum or you’re bidding for funding, you can clearly state why you exist and why you deserve to be supported. It will become a very powerful statement and will transform how you think about yourself.
What this workshop will cover:
- be clear about your purpose: what is your museum for?
- how to ensure you all share the same vision
- vision, mission and purpose: are they different and does it matter?
This workshop will be interactive, engaging and stimulating.
What you will take away:
- the beginnings of your vision and mission
- how to involve all your volunteers/staff in creating your purpose
- top tips on creating a shared vision and mission
Hilary McGowan is a leading governance and resilience museums consultant with over 35 years helping museums to grow stronger and change so they can thrive. Her background as a Museum Director in York, Exeter and Bristol, and as a Trustee of Bletchley Park means she understands every point of view. She is known for her lively and stimulating workshops.
11am – 12.30pm Wednesday 30 June.
Click here to register your place on Zoom>>
Please note, after the session on 14 July, Hallmarks at Home is having a summer break. We’ll be back in September with the Autumn programme. Click here to sign up to eNews to be kept up to date with all our events, news and resources>>