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Hallmarks at Home – The Reluctant Entrepreneur
Where: Zoom
Time: 11:00
Session 1 – 11am on Wednesday 21 October
Session 2 – 11am on Wednesday 28 October
“Hang on though, who will ever take us seriously as a business…?”
If you found yourself wondering this recently and especially after the uncertainties and traumas of Covid19 then this webinar is for you.
Dr Nick Winterbotham has spent the last 35 years working in a sector that has progressively made its mark in the marketplace whether trading, marketing, developing business or promoting the arts, heritage and learning.
In this webinar he will unpick some of the hesitancy he has wrangled in himself and in others while enabling museum businesses to thrive. The session is illustrated with examples of where thinking entrepreneurially and being business-like offered new value to individuals, families, schools, local authorities and the community at large.
The session will involve some team-working while meeting others in our sector who are keen to develop their thinking and business skills.
Run as two sessions, the first on values, opportunities and new thinking and the second on examples with some “homework” between the session.
Register on Zoom here. Please note, you only need to register once to attend both sessions.
Hallmarks at Home is supported by Art Fund.