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Museum as Muck: Know Your Workforce
Where: Zoom online forum
Time: 10:00 - 11:15
A British Museum Knowledge Share Event
Tuesday 5 October 2021, 10:00-11:15, via Zoom
The British Museum National Programmes team are delighted to be working once again with the award-winning network Museum as Muck, to host a free online event focusing on museums and social class.
This event is led by Museum as Muck and hosted by the British Museum as part of its national Knowledge Share programme, supported by the Vivmar Foundation.
Are you a leader or decision-maker for a museum or arts organisation, wishing to better understand how to recruit and support working class team members? Are you interested in influencing the development of talented museum professionals who may be at a disadvantage due to their background circumstances? Museum as Muck wants to help!
Join us for an informative online session looking at brand new research Museum as Muck have conducted, documenting their members’ experiences of working in the museum sector, and how they have been affected by COVID-19. Building on the 2018 PANIC report, and coinciding with the Arts Council’s new strategy of measuring the class make-up of the sector, this data analysis will provide detailed insights from lived experiences, and ideas on how your museum can build the foundations for working class team members to both survive and thrive in the sector.
Places are free but registration is essential. Click here to register>>