Re:Collections – Ethical co-creation and engagement with Global Majority communities / Cyd-greu ac ymgysylltiad moesegol gyda chymunedau Mwyafrif Byd-eang

Mae AIM wedi cael cyllid gan Gronfa Diwylliant, Treftadaeth a Chwaraeon Llywodraeth Cymru, i gefnogi amgueddfeydd i gyflawni nodau a chamau gweithredu Diwylliant, Treftadaeth a Chwaraeon o Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol a’r Rhaglen Lywodraethu.

Trwy’r rhaglen Re:Collection byddwn yn cyflenwi ymgynghori, mentora, gweithdai sydd wedi’u teilwra, a grantiau a chyfleoedd i rannu profiad a dysgu.

Mae rhoi cymunedau wrth galon penderfynu yn realiti cymdeithasol, gwleidyddol a gweithredol i nifer gynyddol o amgueddfeydd. Mewn ymateb i’r symudiad hwn, mae amrywiaeth eang o ddulliau gweithredu wedi dod i’r amlwg sydd yn blaenoriaethu anghenion, arbenigedd a dyheadau cymunedau o fewn amgueddfeydd, gyda chyd-greu ar y blaenaf.

Yn y gweithdy hwn, a arweinir gan ymarferydd diwylliannol Stephen Welsh, bydd gennych gyfle i archwilio dull gweithredu moesegol i gyd-greu. Bydd Stephen yn rhannu ei brofiad eang o ddatblygu a chyflenwi modelau cyd-greu ac yn cyflwyno amrywiaeth o astudiaethau achos. Cliciwch yma i ddarganfod mwy am Stephen>>

Mae pob gweithdy ar agor i hyd at 10 o bobl.

Cliciwch yma i archebu lle ar gyfer 10 Mawrth>>


AIM has been awarded funded from the Welsh Government Anti-Racist Wales Culture, Heritage and Sport Fund to support museums to deliver the Culture, Heritage and Sport goals and actions from the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan (ARWAP) and Programme for Government. Click here to read the Action Plan>>

Through the Re:Collection programme we will deliver bespoke consultancy, mentoring, workshops, grants and opportunities to share experience and learning.

Putting communities at the centre of decision-making is a social, political and operational reality for an increasing number of museums. In response to this shift, a wide range of approaches have emerged that prioritise the needs, expertise and aspirations of communities within museums, the foremost being co-creation.

In this workshop, led by cultural practitioner Stephen Welsh, you will have the opportunity to explore an ethical approach to co-creation. Stephen will share his extensive experience of developing and delivering co-creation models and present a variety of case studies. Click here to find out more about Stephen>>

Anyone working in museums in Wales is eligible to attend, you don’t have to be an AIM member. The workshop is open to up to 10 people and there will be opportunity for discussion and questions.

Click here to book for 10 March>>