Specialist skills workshop – Volunteering: rethink and refresh / Gwirfoddoli: ailfeddwl a diweddaru

Mewn ymateb i’r cymorth a ofynwyd amdano yn ein rhaglen Rising Leaders, rydym wedi gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i ddyfeisio a chynnig y gweithdai sgiliau arbenigol canlynol. Bydd y gweithdai hyn yn eich darparu gyda’r sgiliau i symud ymlaen gyda’ch gyrfa a hefyd i ddatblygu beth y mae’ch sefydliadau yn ei gynnig.

Wrth i’n amgueddfeydd setlo mewn i fywyd arferol ar ôl y pandemig a’r costau a’r heriau y mae hyn wedi arwain atynt i lawer ohonom, nawr yw’r amser delfrydol i ystyried cynlluniau eich amgueddfa ar gyfer gwirfoddoli. Ydy’ch rhaglen wirfoddoli yn dal i ateb anghenion eich amgueddfa, neu oes angen i chi gyflwyno rolau newydd, neu ail-gyfeirio ymdrechion gwirfoddol tuag at rolau gwahanol? Oes gennych ddigon o wirfoddolwyr, neu oes angen i chi recriwtio mwy o bobl? Bydd y gweithdy ymarferol hwn yn eich helpu i ail-feddwl gwirfoddoli er mwyn sicrhau bod eich rhaglen wirfoddoli yn ateb anghenion eich amgueddfa ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn cael ei arwain gan Alex Lindley, un o uwch-ymgynghorwyr AIM. Mae gan Alex brofiad sylweddol o weithio gydag aelodau AIM a sefydliadau diwylliannol Nid-er-Elw eraill i ddatblygu strategaethau gwirfoddoli, rheoli recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr, gwella ymarferion rheoli gwirfoddolwyr a chynyddu ymgysylltiad ac ysgogiad.

Mae’r gweithdai hyn yn ddi-dâl i’w mynychu, ac maent ar gael i unrhyw un sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru mewn amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd neu archifau. Nid oes angen i chi fod yn aelod o AIM.

Mae 12 lle ar gael ymhob gweithdy. Cynhelir pob sesiwn fwy nag unwaith felly dim ond archebu un sesiwn bob pwnc sydd angen.

Cliciwch yma i archebu lle ar gyfer 16 Mawrth>>

In response to the support asked for in our Rising Leaders programme, we have worked with the Welsh Government to devise and offer the following specialist skills workshops. These workshops will provide you with the skills to move forward with your career and also develop the offering in your organisations.

As our museums settle into post-pandemic life and the cost and resourcing challenges this has brought for many us, now is an ideal time to consider your museum’s plans for volunteering.  Does your volunteer programme still meet your museum’s needs, or do you need to introduce new roles, or re-direct volunteer efforts towards different goals?  Have you got enough volunteers, or do you need to recruit more people?  This practical workshop will help you to re-think volunteering to ensure that your volunteer programme meets your museum’s needs for the future.

The workshop will be led by Alex Lindley, one of AIM’s AIM Higher consultants. Alex has extensive experience of working with AIM members and other cultural and Not-for-Profit organisations to develop volunteering strategies, manage volunteer recruitment, improve volunteer management practices and increase volunteer engagement and motivation.

These workshops are free to attend and available to anyone working in Wales in museums, libraries or archives. You don’t have to be an AIM member.

12 places available at each workshop. Each session runs more than once so you only need to book onto one session per topic.

Click here to book your place>>