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AIM Annual Report and Accounts 2023
AIM finance trustee recruitment pack 2024, updated July 2024
AIM Annual Report and Accounts 31 December 2022
Pleasure Connection Purpose - leveraging emotions for museums report
16 June 2021 AGM record of attendance
AIM Guides for Boards - Framework for a trustee review English and Welsh version
AIM Guides for Boards - Role descriptor for a museum trustee English and Welsh version
AIM consultants Hilary Barnard and Ruth Lesirge of HBRL Consulting, expert advisors on charity and museum governance, have shared their advice on good governance in a crisis.
Are you facing immediate issues? The following checklist may help members consider their current situation and plan not just for the present, but any challenging times.
Steps to Sustainability programme brochure
Annual Report & Accounts, year-ending 31 December 2020
Summary Biographies (proposed new trustees)
18 June 2020 AGM record of attendance
Form to complete to advertise a trustee vacancy with AIM. Updated July 2022
Successful Governance for Museums 2020 (Welsh)
If you missed our presentation from Social Enterprise Academy about their Steps to Sustainability programme, catch up with the back ground information on these slides.
This guide is designed to be of practical help to Boards of independent museums throughout the UK.
Explanatory note to the new AIM articles
AIM Complaints Procedure and Proforma
Legal issues arising from COVID 19- Farrer's conference slides