QS/Contract Administrator – The Gurkha Museum

Job Title: QS / Contract Administrator

Location: The Gurkha Museum, Winchester

Closing date: 12:00 pm, 21 Feb 2025

The Gurkha Museum

The Gurkha Museum honours and promotes the heritage and culture of Gurkha soldiers and their continuing service to Britain. Through the Museum’s educational activities with schools and other organisations, it helps promote the values that underpin the Gurkhas’ success: courage, fortitude, determination and loyalty undertaken cheerfully in the face of adversity. This unique military ethos is called Kaida, after which the current redevelopment project is named. 

Situated within the historic Peninsula Barracks in Winchester, the Museum offers an immersive experience that transports visitors through the captivating history of the Gurkhas. Starting from their humble beginnings in Nepal and the pivotal moment in 1815 when they were first enlisted to fight for Britain, the extraordinary tales presented and preserved in our archives, not only encompass the battles and campaigns but also showcase the rich culture and religious practices of this unique fighting force.  

Project Kaida

The Gurkha Museum underwent its last redevelopment more than three decades ago when the Brigade of Gurkhas was mostly stationed outside the UK. Today the Brigade of Gurkhas is predominantly based in the UK and an increasing number of Nepali families are settling here post-service.

Expectations surrounding museums have evolved, and research informs us that the Gurkha Museum no longer aligns with these expectations or attracts as diverse an audience as it could. The Museum needs to incorporate a stronger Nepali perspective, recognizing the importance of oral history in Nepali tradition. Challenges faced by the Museum include accessibility issues, limited appeal to modern audiences, and a static chronological layout. Space constraints hinder the Museum from covering more recent campaigns and the ongoing contributions of Gurkhas. 

Our vision is to create a must-see visitor attraction and to confirm ourselves as the global reference centre for Gurkha heritage. To do this, Project Kaida will: 

  • Fully refurbish our public galleries at Winchester, making them more inviting, accessible, and appealing to wider and more diverse audiences; 
  • Fully digitise our extensive archive, making it globally accessible; 
  • Engage in an ambitious and wide-ranging activity and education plan; 
  • Redevelop the library into an international research, conference, and education centre. 

Appointment brief

An experienced QS/Contract Administrator is sought to sit on the Client Team and work alongside the Project Director (Museum Director) to support the delivery of Project Kaida, from NLHF Permission to Start until RIBA Stage 7. The scope of services to be provided is:

General Duties

  • Exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of the Services
  • Comply with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) insofar as they relate to this Appointment.
  • Attending as necessary, or as required by the Museum, all meetings called by the Museum in relation to the Project which shall include statutory authorities, funders and presentations and providing such Project information and commentary as may be required in order to secure approval for key stages of this Project.
  • Prepare regular/monthly cost reports.
  • Advise the Museum of any decisions required and obtain authorisation;
  • Support the Museum in the provision of regular progress and cost reports to the Heritage Fund and other funding bodies.
  • Liaise with the Museum and the Professional Team to determine the Museum’s requirements and support briefing.

Quantity Surveyor’s Duties – NLHF Delivery Phase 2, RIBA Stages 4-6

  • Obtain tender drawings and specifications from the Museum and the Project Team.
  • Prepare quantified schedule of works for inclusion in tender documents.
  • Liaise with the Museum and the Professional Team and prepare tender documentation.
  • Attend pre- and post-tender interviews.
  • Arrange delivery of tender documents to selected tenderers for the works required on the Project.
  • Check tender submissions for errors, omissions, exclusions, qualifications, inconsistencies etc
  • Liaise with the Project Team and advise on errors, omissions, exclusions, qualifications and inconsistencies between the tender documents and the tenders received; Prepare recommendations for the Museum’s approval.
  • Advise on the tenderers’ design and construction programmes and method statements.
  • Assist with the production of a tender report and prepare recommendations for the museum’s approval.
  • Conduct negotiations with tenderers.
  • Agree approvals required from the Professional Team under the building contract.
  • Prepare documentation to confirm adjustments to the tender sums; Prepare recommendations for the museum’s approval.
  • Obtain confirmation that required contractor insurances are in place prior to commencement of works on site.
  • Liaise with the Museum’s legal advisers, prepare the contract documents and deliver to the museum and the contractor for completion.
  • Maintain and develop the cost plan and the cash flow forecast; provide a periodic financial review to the Museum.
  • Administer the terms of the Building Contract.
  • Issue instructions, on behalf of the museum, to the Professional Team and contractor in accordance with the terms of their appointments/the building contract.
  • Undertake regular site inspections; Obtain progress and quality reports from site staff representing the Museum, the Project Team and the Contractor.
  • Inspect the quality of site management and organisation of the principal Contractor and the other contractors undertaking the Project.
  • Advise on Client liability regarding any claims from the Contractor (preliminary advice only).
  • Agree all test certificates and statutory and non-statutory approvals required from the Project Team and the Contractor; Prepare recommendations for the Museum’s approval.
  • Visit site periodically and assess the progress of the project for interim payment purposes.
  • Prepare periodical interim valuations of the Project fairly and impartially in accordance with the requirements of the Building Contract.
  • Prepare recommendations for interim payments to the contractor.
  • Advise on the cost of variations prior to the issue of instructions under the building contract.
  • Advise on the rights and obligations of the parties to the building contract.
  • Assess whether completion has been achieved, then issue or recommend the issue of the certificate of completion or similar.
  • Advise the Client of their obligations in respect to certification of completion of the Project.
  • Liaise with the Museum, the Professional Team and the Contractor and prepare and maintain a Handover Plan, or similar management tool, identifying the roles and responsibilities of the museum, the professional team and the contractor; Establish review, approval, variation and reporting procedures; Prepare recommendations for the museum’s approval.
  • Liaise with the Museum, the Professional Team and the Contractor and prepare and maintain a defects administration plan, or similar management tool, to identify the roles and responsibilities of the museum, the professional team and the contractor; Establish review, approval, variation and reporting procedures. Prepare recommendations for the museum’s approval.
  • Facilitate agreement to the final account or similar financial statement from the parties to the building contract, excluding the assessment of loss and expense claims.
  • Prepare the final account or similar financial statement; Facilitate agreement to the final account or similar financial statement from the parties to the building contract (excluding the assessment of loss and expense claims
  • Prepare the final account or similar financial statement; Facilitate agreement to the final account or similar financial statement from the parties to the building contract (excluding the assessment of loss and expense claims).

How to apply

In accordance with NLHF procurement principles, the Museum wishes to make an appointment on the basis of competitive quotes, against our assessment of ability to best support the Project.  In order to apply, please send your proposal, including a CV demonstrating experience and ability to deliver the required services, and a statement of proposed costs, to [email protected] by noon on 21 February 2025.

Further information may be sought from the Museum and Project Director, Dr Daren Bowyer, at the above email of by calling him on 01962 842832.

Please note that the appointment will subject to formal confirmation of Permission to Start from NLHF.