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The National Survey of Scotland’s Museums and Galleries
Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) is carrying out a National Survey of Scotland’s Museums and Galleries, supported by DC Research. The survey will provide MGS with essential information about where the strengths are in the sector and the areas where support is most needed.
The survey is now live and each museum and gallery in Scotland should already have received a direct email invite to take part in the survey from DC Research. The survey deadline is 5 August 2022.
This is a vitally important survey for museums and galleries in Scotland – the results will be used to help inform development of the new National Strategy for Scotland’s Museums and Galleries, as well as providing data which will help to drive the direction of sector development for a number of years. It will also help to inform Museums Galleries Scotland’s forward planning about how it supports and advocates for Scotland’s museums and galleries.
We would be delighted if AIM members in Scotland are able to respond to the survey on behalf of their museum or gallery. If you have any queries, or do not think that anyone at your museum or gallery has received an email regarding the survey, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Stephen Connolly, Director at DC Research Ltd (via [email protected] or 01228 402320/07501 725114).
Click here to find out more on the MGS website>>