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Treasurer vacancy – Exmouth Museum
Exmouth Museum is a small museum in the largest town in Devon. We are a registered charity run entirely by volunteers. The museum’s collection charts the history of the town and its people, famous, infamous, and just plain hardworking.
In March 2021 we purchased the buildings’ freehold from the previous owners South West Water. A purchase achieved by donations, fundraising and a mortgage from the Public Works Board arranged by East Devon District Council.
As owners of our buildings, we are looking for a Treasurer, with the financial skills and acumen, who can work with the Trustees and Management Committee to ensure a sustainable future for the museum. The museum’s bookkeeper will prepare monthly management figures for the Treasurer. The bookkeeper is a signatory of the bank account and runs the day-to-day input to the financial records. With the knowledge and understanding of accounts the Treasurer will use their expertise to provide sound financial planning to develop the museum’s future.
The Treasurer will be an officer of the Management Committee and an advisor to the board of Trustees. It is possible in time they may become a trustee.
This is a voluntary, unpaid appointment. The time commitment for the Management Committee is a monthly meeting in each of 10 months of the year. Trustee meetings are quarterly plus an annual AGM.
If you are considering applying please contact Peter Cowper, Chair of Board of Trustees at [email protected] or by letter to the museum address.