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Trustee vacancies – Bronte Parsonage Museum
Brontë Society Trustee – The Brontë Society is looking to the future as a resilient, inclusive and modern charity. We are proud to be an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation for literature and are seeking to expand our board as we enter a period of development, refining our strategic plans and key objectives.
Brontë Society Finance Trustee – We are seeking a Finance Trustee to join our board, chair our Finance and Audit Committee and support the Joint Heads of Finance, both of whom are experienced, qualified chartered accountants.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: approx 6 full board meetings per year plus working groups or sub-committees as required.
Daytime or evening meetings: Meetings are currently held on zoom in the early evening, but there is flexibility to accommodate the availability of trustees and staff.
Closing date for applications: 30 June
Contact details for applicants to find out more: [email protected]