Trustee vacancies – Eskdale Mill

Eskdale Mill & Heritage Trust in Cumbria is seeking new trustees, including a secretary, chair, watermill and hydro engineering experts and finance/admin support. 

The duties of trustees are:

  • To ensure that EMHT complies with its governing document, charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations
    • to ensure that EMHT pursues its charitable objects
  • To ensure that EMHT applies its resources exclusively in furtherance of its objects,
  • To contribute actively by giving firm strategic direction to the organisation,
  • To prepare for, and regularly to attend and actively participate in trustees’ meetings
  • To safeguard the good name, values and mission of EMHT
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of EMHT,
  • To ensure the financial stability of EMHT
  • To act as a co-signatory for cheques, new accounts and other financial documents, if requested to do so
  • To protect and manage the property of EMHT and to ensure the proper investment of its funds
  • To demonstrate commitment to EMHT by maintaining paid-up membership
  • Regularly to review risk, including to buildings, visitors, volunteers and staff
  • To support the mill manager.

Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 2 hours per week

Daytime or evening meetings: evening

Closing date for applications: April 2022.

Contact details for applicants to find out more:
