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Trustee vacancies – Ramsey Rural Museum
Ramsey Rural Museum in Cambridgeshire is seeking three new trustees to join the board and to take an active role in the success of the museum.
Marketing & PR lead
Specific experience in Marketing and Publicity and the current media available for use by the museum. Prepared to oversee this subject and/or to additionally undertake the role.
Treasurer – finance lead
Responsible for the museum finances, management reporting, finance strategy, controls, awareness of day-to-day accounting functions, tax reporting and planning. Heavily involved in the management of the museum.
Fundraising lead
Member of the board of Trustees with specific experience in Fundraising within the Heritage ‘Nor for Profit’ sector. Prepared to oversee this subject and/or to additionally undertake the role.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment:
Four per annum, however, the Board of Trustees encourages an active involvement in the organisation of the museum. Current trustees are active and attend the museum a minimum of 15 hours per annum and have taken all opportunities to get to know volunteers and to become known.
Daytime or evening meetings:
Evenings, but daytime activity maybe required also in order to achieve the above.
Closing date for applications: 31 January 2022
Contact details for applicants to find out more: Jeremy Mumford – Trustee on 01487 711530 or [email protected]