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Trustee vacancies – Ryedale Folk Museum
Could you help to shape the future of this remarkable open-air museum? Ryedale Folk Museum are looking for new trustees to join their friendly and dedicated board, to help oversee the management of the museum and develop plans for the future, so that they can continue to be a thriving venue for visitors and the local community for the next fifty years and beyond.
As they develop the board for the future, Ryedale Folk Museum are looking for:
Trustees: with a wide range of skills and experience. At this time, we are particularly seeking trustees who can help us with commercial management and developing income streams; donor fundraising; and marketing. However, if you have different skills and would like to be involved, then please apply, as all applications will be considered.
A Treasurer: who can bring financial expertise to oversee the financial affairs of the museum and provide financial leadership as we develop our business plans.
A Secretary: who can bring excellent organisation and communication skills, to lead on organising and administering the board’s business.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: Board meetings take place every 2-3 months.
Daytime or evening meetings: Evening
Closing date for applications: Sunday 15 November
Contact details for applicants to find out more: [email protected]
Website: for the homepage and general information. for more information about trustee vacancies and how to apply.