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Location: AIM (Association of Independent Museums)
Time Commitment: 5 meetings a year plus annual away day
Contact Details: [email protected]
Closing date: 2024-08-07
The Association of Independent Museums is recruiting a new Board member with financial experience who can help meet our goals of supporting over 1,000 members with the challenges and opportunities ahead, growing our membership, and running a sustainable charity.
Now that AIM has secured 2023-26 Arts Council funding, which supports core costs as well as funding programmes, the Board has decided to focus on growth in order to become more resilient in our business model, offer greater networks and services to our members, and represent our members even more effectively. In 2027 AIM will achieve a milestone ‘birthday’, fifty years after being established. Over the coming years our Board will guide us through building on our history and the successes of recent years to work for and with our members in running their museums.
We are looking for someone with financial / accounting experience to join our engaged and skilled Board and help us meet these exciting goals.
Please read the information provided in this pack and consider what you might be able to bring to our Board. If you would like to have a confidential chat please do not hesitate to get in touch. Click here for the recruitment pack>>
Please send your application to Director, Lisa Ollerhead, at [email protected] by 5pm on Wednesday 7 August.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application. Sifting will take place in August. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to meet with the Appointment Panel online in August or September.