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Wycombe Museum
Location: Wycombe Heritage and Arts Trust, Buckinghamshire
Time Commitment: 6 bi -monthly meetings
Contact Details: [email protected]
Closing date: 2024-11-24
Key governance responsibilities are: contributing to the work of the Board by setting strategic direction, overseeing performance, ensuring compliance with museum standards and accreditation, and ensuring policies are in place.
We are seeking applicants with skills, knowledge and experience in:
- fundraising and income generation
- leadership and/or trusteeship in a charity or social enterprise
- active engagement with the local cultural, heritage or arts sectors including advocacy
- marketing and communications including social media and digital
- IT and website optimisation
- property and buildings management.
For a full role description/ person specification for trustees of Wycombe Heritage and Arts Trust please access Appendix A at
Additional information
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 6 bi -monthly Trustee meetings and involvement with governance working groups and support for the museum director
Daytime or evening meetings: mostly early evening face- to-face or online
We are aiming to recruit people willing to serve for an initial 4-year term.
Closing date for applications: Sunday 24 November 2024
Contact details or web link for applicants to find out more:
To arrange an informal chat email Jenny Baker, Trustee, [email protected] and/or see our recruitment pack at: