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Trustee vacancy – Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings
Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire seeks a new generation of Trustees to shape the museum’s future. We want one or more of the following:
- Heritage museum experience at both operational and strategic levels.
- Innovative and able to challenge and lead change.
- Financial acumen, ideally with an accountancy qualification.
- Knowledge of audit and risk management.
- Organisational development and human resources management.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 6 meetings per annum, plus some e-mail/phone liaison and sub-committee work possible.
Daytime or evening meetings: Currently daytime, usually Sundays
Closing date for applications: 6 September
Contact details for applicants to find out more: Michael Wooley, our current Chair, on (0121) 445 5536 or email: [email protected]