Trustee vacancy – Clyne Heritage Society

Clyne Heritage Society in Brora, Sutherland, is recruiting a board member with curatorial experience. 

CHS is looking for help to guide the Society as it transitions from operating a museum on behalf of the local authority in their building, to a brand new, purpose-designed facility of its own.  Housed in a former parish school, the whole redevelopment project is c£3.5m.  This is an exciting opportunity to fashion a new museum from the outset.

Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: Monthly, except December, July & August, and at other times as necessary.  Distance no object – can join via Zoom

Daytime or evening meetings: 6.30pm, 2nd Monday of the month

Closing date for applications: None

Contact details for applicants to find out more: Nick Lindsay (Chairman) [email protected] or 01408 621338

Click here for the Clyne Heritage Centre website>>