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Trustee vacancy – Co-operative Heritage Trust
Nominations are now sought from strategic thinkers who have the time and skills to contribute to this important role and are able and willing to contribute effectively at Board meetings. Meetings take place during the day and in 2023 there are 3 board meetings scheduled and a Budget Meeting in addition to the AGM. Additionally, a Trustee strategy day will take place as well as a Trustee induction session for any new Trustees appointed at the AGM. Meetings generally take place by videoconference, with the AGM and strategy day taking place in-person in Manchester and Rochdale. In particular the Trustees are seeking heritage sector fundraising experience and/or conservation/archival skills at the present time.
Trustees provide robust oversight, strategic direction, ensure effective governance arrangements are in place, rigorously monitor the charity’s performance and provide guidance, advice and support in the delivery of the charity’s objectives.
Trustee positions are unremunerated, but all reasonable and related expenses are met by the charity. Support, induction training and guidance as well as any continued relevant training are provided to Trustees in order to ensure Trustees can fulfil their roles as effectively as possible.
The Co-operative Heritage Trust CIO is committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion and welcomes diversity in the people the charity serves and also in the workforce, Trustee Board and our volunteers.
Additional information
Candidates don’t have to live in Greater Manchester but should be prepared to travel occasionally – these expenses can be re-imbursed.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 4 per year plus strategy day
Daytime or evening meetings: daytime
Contact details or web link for applicants to find out more:
How to apply
To apply for this voluntary role please complete the x4 forms on our website jobs and volunteering page along with a 200 word statement about yourself and why you are interested in the role. Please send these by email to our secretary [email protected]
Closing date for applications: 11 July 2023
Organisation website: