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Trustee vacancy – Exmouth Museum
Exmouth Museum wants to recruit Trustees to its Board. This is a time of great change for the Museum as it has just completed the purchase of the freehold of its buildings. A diverse and enthusiastic set of Trustees are needed to move the Museum on to the next stage in its ambitious plan.
People who can bring a range of skills are needed. For example, men and women with experience of Project Management, or a background in Law or Finance are particularly sought. Or do you have the ability and skill to exploit digital opportunities which have become so important for the museum in order to broaden its customer base.
Could you be influential in working to develop this charity?
The role of a Trustee is voluntary and unremunerated. The Board meets four times a year. Meetings are in the evenings. There is also an AGM each year. The time commitment is about one day a month. Depending on knowledge, skills and interests Trustees may work with members of the Management Committee or other volunteers.
For further information please contact Peter Cowper ( Chair of Board of Trustees) at exmouthmuseum@gmail .com
Closing date 22 April 2022.