Trustee vacancy – Freud Museum London

Openings for new members to join the Board of the Freud Museum London

We are seeking a new Chair to replace Alan Newman, who is stepping down in 2021 when his term of office expires, and a new Trustee with a background in finance.

The new Chair will head a team providing strategic leadership to the Museum at a time of great change and development. The finance Trustee will provide leadership in financial management and oversight, and be a member of the Finance & General Purposes Committee.

Details of both roles are available at

Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 5 meetings a year (virtual or at the Museum)

Daytime or evening meetings: Evenings

Closing date for applications: 28 February 2021

Contact details for applicants to find out more:
Chair position: Carol Seigel, Director ([email protected])
Finance position: Monica Law, Marketing & Development Manager ([email protected])
