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Trustee vacancy – Holst Birthplace Trust
Holst Birthplace Trust (Holst Victorian House), Cheltenham’s only independent museum, a period house which was the birthplace of the composer Gustav Holst, is welcoming enquiries from people with a range of backgrounds and experience who are interested in becoming Trustees. At the moment we are particularly looking for Trustees with an interest in Marketing and Fundraising, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have other skills which you would like to offer.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 6-9 meetings a year, 1-3hrs depending on discussion.
Daytime or evening meetings: Varied
Closing date for applications: N/A
Contact details for applicants to find out more: For more information and an informal discussion please contact the Chair of Trustees, Hilary Simpson, at [email protected] or [email protected]