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Trustee vacancy – Treasurer at British Association of Friends of Museums
British Association of Friends of Museums need a proactive Treasurer to advise and provide financial management information to inform our decision making, and with the skills to ensure we meet the financial standards of a Registered Charity.
Duties include:
- overseeing the financial affairs of the organisation
- ensuring proper records are kept and effective financial procedures are in place;
- monitoring and reporting on the financial health of the organisation;
- overseeing the production of financial documents.
- providing advice and projections.
The part time Administrator deals with day to day business including subscriptions, insurance scheme and banking.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: Normally Council 3 meetings p.a. plus AGM (currently being done remotely). Additional remote meetings with Chair, Administrator and Finance working group. Time commitment varies across annual cycle.
Daytime or evening meetings: Daytime
Closing date for applications: TBC
Contact details for applicants to find out more: Alex Walker, Chair, [email protected]