Consultant positions at Greenham Control Tower

Closing date: 12:00 am 1 March 2021

Heritage Lottery Fund [HLF] Resilience Grant Consultant Positions at Greenham Control Tower

Greenham Control Tower Ltd. [GCT] is looking to appoint experienced advisers/consultants to provide guidance and support to the Board in two principle areas:

  • Finance
  • HR and Volunteer Management

Ideally, each adviser/consultant must possess extensive knowledge of working at a senior level in and with small charities, preferably those in the arts and culture sector.

Background to the work

The original HLF grant was made in late 2019 and some workshops have previously been held covering such matters as governance, marketing, fund raising, skills analysis and financial controls.

The workshop application has been on hold following the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020. Since that time the focus of the Board has been on financial controls and fundraising to protect GCT as a continuing viable charity and secure the continuing existence of GCT as a heritage site. Measures to date have achieved the short-term objective, albeit the position remains difficult and any long-term planning is clearly influenced.

Despite these challenges, the GCT Board recognise that resilience planning is essential in the areas identified below. The Board is very keen to progress in these areas as they support our short-term position but also strengthen GCT for both short and long term business strategy.

Please note – GCT is a very small charity with limited personnel resources. Therefore, applicants will be required to both advise and assist in the implementation of agreed actions.

Applicants should be aware that Greenham Control Tower Trading Ltd [GCTT] is a wholly owned subsidiary of GCT. GCTT is responsible for the operation of the café that is on site. 

Job specifications and duties


GTC wishes to recruit an individual with direct experience of supporting financial activity in a third sector environment, preferably a heritage or cultural organisation. It would be useful if they had experience of charity activities that included a trading subsidiary.


  • To review GCT’s current financial structure and practices and provide advice on how it might more effectively integrate its commercial and charitable aims;
  • To advise on internal controls required for the audit and management of third party donated funds and those raised through the onsite commercial operation;
  • To assist with the development of a budget for future heritage-related activity;
  • To provide guidance to GCT on the appropriateness of Gift Aid procedures.
  • To liaise with Board and other resilience advisors to ensure plans and recommendations align.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience:

  • Working knowledge of finance legislation and rules in charitable sector;
  • Experience of working with a Board and formulating and implementing strategies and plans;
  • Effective management of the operational and financial risk of a major charitable project/programme, department or organisation;
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate ideas clearly and with an eye for detail;
  • A successful track record of 3 years or more in a senior position in an arts or heritage organisation


GTC wishes to recruit an individual with direct experience of working in Human Resources and Volunteer Management in a third sector environment, preferably a heritage or cultural organisation.


  • To review GTC’s current people resource plan and provide pragmatic advice on areas in need of improvement;
  • Review the volunteer structure and advise as to how this might be improved through recruitment, distribution of skills, organisation and application;
  • To advise on personnel recruitment and volunteer management in line with current Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Data Protection, Equality and Diversity legislation and best practice;
  • To investigate areas for possible partnership working in volunteer recruitment.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience:

  • Working knowledge of human resources and volunteer management in charitable sector;
  • Experience of working with a Board and formulating and implementing strategies and plans;
  • Effective management of volunteers and personnel of a major charitable project/programme, department or organisation;
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate ideas clearly and with an eye for detail;
  • A successful track record of 3 years or more in a senior position in an arts or heritage organisation.

Expected timeline

Closing date for applications:  1 March 2021

Assessment of applicants and interviews to be completed by the end of March 2021.

Scope of work discussed with preferred supplier[s], agree budget, and contract terms agreed for work to begin April 2021.


GCT would expect to agree a budget when scoping the work with the preferred supplier[s]. We would want to complete the majority of the work by the end of June 2021 but expect to maintain an appointment through to the end of 2021 for monitoring and refinement of proposals.

The initial phase up to the end of June 2021 is likely to involve 6 days with a further 3 days for the remainder of the year.

Please submit your daily rate with any application.

Application process

Interested applicants should send the following to [email protected]

  • Summary of relevant experience, including strong examples of comparable work within the last five years (no more than two pages A4)
  • CV of persons who would be responsible for this work
  • Details of two referees for whom you have done similar work

**During the coronavirus pandemic, any work undertake will be within current government guidelines**