Learning & Engagement Assistant – Bath Preservation Trust

Job Title: Learning & Engagement Assistant
Salary: £11,700
Hours: 3 days per week
Term: Permanent
Location: Bath Preservation Trust, No. 1 Royal Crescent, Bath, BA1 2LR
Closing date: 9:00 am 22 August 2022

We are looking for someone to support all of our museums in Bath.  The post holder will deliver our learning workshops for schools as well as family learning sessions.  The post holders will provide great learning experiences at our museums and in schools.

Applications should be submitted to [email protected] and include a completed short application form (provided below), supporting statement describing how your skills, knowledge and experience match the person specification and a copy of your cv.  Please also complete the equal opportunities form, also provided below.

Job-Application-form-current April 2022

Equal-Opportunities-Monitoring-Form-2021 (1)

Closing date: 9am, Monday 22 August

Interview date: Thursday 1 September

For further information about the role, please download the Job Description and Person Specification:

Job Description – Learning and Engagement Assistant