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Museum Director – Amersham Museum
Salary: £26,250
Hours: 26
Location: Amersham
Closing date: 12:00 am 22 April 2022
Amersham Museum is an award-winning, accredited, independent museum, sharing the stories of local people and places. The museum is housed in part of a Grade II listed medieval hall house in the heart of Amersham, a historic market town. The museum has a beautiful physic garden, next to the River Misbourne.
The museum attracts around 10,000 visitors a year (pre Covid). We run a wide range of activities for people of all ages, including reminiscence groups, singing, art and literature workshops and an accredited art club for children. We have a vintage vehicle, used as a mobile museum for outreach events in the community. We are brilliantly supported by a team of 125 volunteers and a Friends group.
We are now recruiting a Museum Director to lead the growth and development of the museum. The Director will manage a part-time Learning Officer and Collections Manager and a large volunteer team, who help with all aspects of the day to day running of the museum. The museum’s trustees are also actively involved. The museum is committed to an inclusive approach to all aspects of its work.