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Options Appraisal Consultancy – Museum of Cambridge
Closing date: 9:00 am 6 June 2023
The Museum of Cambridge wishes to commission an options appraisal and feasibility study for the development of and realisation of a refreshed Museum of Cambridge in order for the Museum to achieve the goals set out in our recently published five-year Strategic Plan.
Our Strategic Plan sets out four goals for the Museum of Cambridge:
- Grow and diversify our engagement.
- Care for our collection and our building.
- Nurture our volunteers, staff and trustees.
- Achieve financial sustainability.
The options study will explore options, along with indicative capital costs, for the use of space at the Museum, and for the interpretation of our tangible and intangible collections. The preferred option will then be developed into a more detailed feasibility study with an outline of capital and operational costs.
Click here to download the full brief and make an application>>
Deadline for submission of proposals is 9am on 6 June.
All queries must be directed to [email protected].