Project Coordinator & Bid Writer – South West Heritage Trust

Job Title: Project Coordinator & Bid Writer
Salary: £18,000
Term: Contract starting September 2024
Location: Homebased, Museum of Somerset, Somerset Heritage Centre
Closing date: 5:00 pm 9 August 2024

The South West Heritage Trust (SWHT) is looking to award a contract for an appropriately experienced consultant to coordinate its National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) Second Round development phase and to write the NLHF delivery grant application, for a significant engagement project linked to a recent treasure acquisition, together with match funding applications as required for the project’s delivery costs.

This is an exciting opportunity to develop an NLHF bid for an innovative heritage project to engage local, regional and national audiences with a treasure acquisition at the Museum of Somerset, in the community and on-line.

We are looking for a consultant with significant demonstrable experience in securing NLHF delivery funding and match funding for major projects.  You will have a sound understanding of the NLHF investment principles and application process for projects over £250,000, experience of working with a range of partners and funders and have the capacity and flexibility to commence the assignment in September 2024.

The South West Heritage Trust is an independent charity which provides heritage services across Somerset and Devon. We run two Archive and Local Studies services and three museums, including the Museum of Somerset, and look after Somerset’s historic environment, including over 400 acres of historic landscapes.

Fee: £18,000 to £20,000 (including all expenses and VAT if applicable)

For further information, please click here>>

Completed applications should be sent to [email protected]. CVs are not accepted as applications.

For further information please contact Estelle Gilbert (Head of Museums and Engagement), on 07961 674104 or e-mail  [email protected],  or Sam Astill (Chief Executive Officer) on  01823 278805 or e-mail [email protected]

Closing date: Friday 9 August, 5pm

Interviews: Thursday 5 September

This project is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to acquire a significant treasure item and support the development of an associated innovative engagement project.