Heritage Trustees 101

What is a heritage trustee and how do I become one? 

Working with SHARE Museums East and supported by Trustees Unlimited, AIM is introducing a series of free Heritage Trustees 101 events scheduled across England to help prepare potential trustees to join our members and provide networking opportunities for those considering a trustee role in the independent museum sector. Sessions will also offer museums specific guidance on strengthening their trustee recruitment process. 

Join us at our Pilot Heritage Trustees 101 event – Museum of Cambridge, 5.30pm – 8pm, free entry. 

What’s the cost? 

This event is free.  

Who is this for?  

Join the AIM team and more at this pilot event, ideal for potential trustees currently working within the sector looking to better understand the role of the Trustee and, the skills and the commitment required for success. The session is also ideal for those outside of the sector, looking to understand the key governance issues and realities of Board work in museums.  

A successful Trustee in a heritage organisation can come from any background, from any career stage and at any age so whatever your motivation and wherever you are in your journey to joining a Board, join us to find out more!  

When is this happening? 

The first event is at the Museum of Cambridge on 28 November 5.30pm-8pm and will cover: 

  • Introduction and welcome – Lisa Ollerhead, Director of AIM  
  • Becoming an effective museum trustee – Margaret Harrison, AIM’s Head of Programmes 
  • Lessons from the Chair – Andrew Lovett OBE, Chief Executive of the Black Country Living Museum and AIM Chair  
  • Lessons from the Chair – Roger Lilley, Chair of Trustees of the Museum of Cambridge  
  • Panel discussion with SHARE Museums East, Trustees Unlimited and current museum Trustees 

More events are planned for Spring 2024 at the Manchester Jewish Museum and Brunel Museum, London with more events to be confirmed across England. 

Sign up 

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