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Research into UK museum and heritage land ownership
We’re looking into how museums with outdoor space (of any size – this can range from a rooftop / terrace to thousands of acres) are approaching land management to diversify their income streams, broaden their audiences and contribute to sustainability goals, and the extent to which there is an appetite for further support and funding for developing outdoor space.
The intended outcome is to compile some broad data about land ownership in the sector along with a set of robust case studies that can exemplify how organisations of varied size and resource are approaching land management.
We’re running an online survey as a core element of this research project and want to hear from you!
We want to hear from anyone who has experience with managing land / owning land in the sector – you don’t have to hold a specific role; we want to hear from people who have some exposure to managing outdoor space at a museum.
This survey is being run by M·E·L Research, an independent market research company working on behalf of AIM, National Museum Directors’ Council, Arts Council England and the Welsh Government.
Click here to take the survey>>
If you’d like to take a look at the questions before starting the survey, you’ll find them here>>
The survey will be open until mid-December.