Tackling Inequality Hallmark

What do we mean by inequality?

Inequalities exist across society and can be perpetuated by organisations (often unconsciously or through a lack of awareness) when they work in ways that disadvantage or discriminate against people in relation to the protected characteristics embodied in the Equality Act 2010 . These include race, disability, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and marital status alongside socio-economic status.

Inequalities can be complex. People are often subject to multiple types of disadvantage or discrimination, for example a black woman who is also elderly, or a transgender person with a disability. This convergence of multiple and overlapping disadvantage or discrimination is often referred to as intersectionality. Organisations should understand this, and take steps to create a fair and equitable working environment and museum experience for all.

What can AIM members do?

Organisations can contribute to positive change when they commit to identifying and taking steps to address inequalities, whether through, for example, widening their range of Trustees, through to an inclusive approach to understanding and acting on the needs of the workforce. Museums specifically have a unique opportunity to use and develop their collections to highlight discrimination, identify and address missing perspectives, and encourage debate and discussion.

We know that this is challenging area for museums and that many of our members are keen to embark on positive action. To help, through our Tackling Inequality Hallmark, we will work with sector partners to help members identify and address relevant areas of their work, tailoring programmes and resources accordingly.

AIM Hallmark: Tackling Inequality

Definition: The organisation is inclusive and challenges prejudice, discrimination and racism.

Description: The organisation recognises its responsibility to carry out its purpose for the benefit of all, striving to make a positive impact and represent all communities. It understands and takes action to challenge prejudice and inequality and create equality of opportunity for its workforce and its users. It acknowledges that the connections between our nation’s history and heritage are an invaluable tool in the fight against discrimination.

Self assessment questions to help organisations use the Hallmark

  • To what extent do we understand how our organisation can promote equity and inclusion?
  • How effectively does our organisation listen to and act on a range of voices from diverse backgrounds?
  • How well do we create opportunities equally for and understand the needs of a diverse workforce?
  • To what extent do we develop and understand our collections, identify missing perspectives and histories and use them to encourage debate and discussion?
  • To what extent do we challenge practices that support inequality in all its forms?
  • How well do we recognize that diversity is fundamental for the success of our business?

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