Hallmarks Awards, New Small Grant Scheme / Gwobrau Hallmarks, cynllun grant bach newydd

Torfaen Museum Trust
Torfaen Museum Trust
Firing Line Cardiff Castle Museum of the Welsh Soldier
Firing Line Cardiff Castle Museum of the Welsh Soldier
Rhayader Museum and Gallery
Rhayader Museum and Gallery
The AIM Hallmarks Awards in Wales are funded by MALD (Welsh Government)
The AIM Hallmarks Awards in Wales are funded by MALD (Welsh Government)

Hallmarks Awards, New Small Grant Scheme

Museums in Wales could apply for small grants to boost their financial sustainability. The new opportunity is thanks to a programme supported by the Welsh government through the Museums, Archives and Libraries Division.

We are offering grants of £3,000 – £6,000 to help museums become more financially sustainable. These are open to Accredited AIM member museums in Wales in AIM’s small museum category (that is, museums with up to 20,000 visitors a year).

We can support projects that either help museums reduce their costs or generate more income. We welcome a wide variety of proposals – including support for marketing or fundraising, improving a café or shop, trialling a new form of income generation, or saving costs through new equipment or training.

£20,000 is available in total, and the grants are open to all kinds of museums that meet the other criteria – small local authority museums as well as independent museums. Museums must be AIM members but can join at the point of application.

This scheme is currently closed for new applications.

For full guidance notes, see https://www.aim-museums.co.uk/resources/hallmarks/

To discuss your ideas please contact Justeen Stone, [email protected].

 Gwobrau Hallmarks, cynllun grant bach newydd

Gall amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru yn awr ymgeisio ar gyfer grantiau bach i gynyddu eu cynaliadwyedd ariannol. Mae’r cyfle hwn yn ganlyniad i raglen a gefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy’r Adran Amgueddfeydd, Archifau a Llyfrgelloedd.

Rydym yn cynnig grantiau o £3,000 – £6,000 i helpu i amgueddfeydd ddod yn fwy cynaliadwy yn ariannol. Mae’r rhain ar agor i amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru sydd yn aelodau achrededig o AIM yng nghategori amgueddfeydd bach AIM (hynny yw, amgueddfeydd â hyd at 20,000 o ymwelwyr y flwyddyn).

Gallwn gefnogi prosiectau sydd naill ai yn helpu i amgueddfeydd leihau eu costau neu gynhyrchu rhagor o incwm. Rydym yn croesawu amrywiaeth eang o gynigion – yn cynnwys cymorth ar gyfer marchnata neu godi arian, gwella caffi neu siop, treialu ffurf newydd o gynhyrchu incwm, neu arbed costau drwy offer neu hyfforddiant newydd.

Mae cyfanswm o £20,000 ar gael i gyd, ac mae’r grantiau ar agor i bob math o amgueddfeydd sydd yn cwrdd â meini prawf eraill – amgueddfeydd awdurdod lleol bach yn ogystal â rhai annibynnol. Rhaid i amgueddfeydd fod yn aelodau  o AIM, ond gallent ymuno adeg ymgeisio.

Ar gyfer y canllawiau i gyd, gweler https://www.aim-museums.co.uk/resources/hallmarks/

I drafod eich syniadau cysylltwch os gwelwch yn dda â Justeen Stone, [email protected].


The AIM Hallmarks Awards in Wales are funded by MALD (Welsh Government)
The AIM Hallmarks Awards in Wales are funded by MALD (Welsh Government)
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