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A new AIM programme of support for museums

AIM has been awarded funded from the Welsh Government Anti-Racist Wales Culture, Heritage and Sport Fund to support museums to deliver the Culture, Heritage and Sport goals and actions from the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan (ARWAP) and Programme for Government. Click here to read the Action Plan>> 

Through the Re:Collection programme we are delivering bespoke consultancy, mentoring, workshops, grants and opportunities to share experience and learning.

Resources for museums

We’re pleased to share the following resources, produced as part of the Re:Collections programme, which will be relevant to museums across the UK, not just those in Wales.

Read – Outcomes not intent; anti-racism in museums 

Maya Sharma, Programme Manager at Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust (AIUET) and strategic advisor on the Re:Collections programme highlights the importance of developing anti-racist approaches across all aspects of a museum’s work.

Click here to read the article>>

Listen – Reflections on Re:Collections: 

This conversation between AIM Head of Programmes Margaret Harrison,  Maya Sharma, Programme Manager at Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust (AIUET) and strategic advisor on the Re:Collections programme and museum consultants Isilda Almeida and Stephen Welsh explores questions around decolonisation, anti racism, organisational change, and co-creation that have arisen as part of AIM’s Re:Collections programme.

It acts as a primer or entry route to these complex questions and concepts, and forms part of the Re:Collections programme resources.

  1. What is decolonisation?
  2. What is anti-racism, and what does it mean to be anti-racist?
  3. Why should EDI and anti-racism be prioritised by organisations?
  4. What is co-creation?

Click here to listen to the conversation>>

Watch – Participants in the Re:Collections programme discuss their work to date

Click here to watch the video>>

About the programme

Re:Collections offers practical help and grant funding to support museums in Wales. The aim of the programme is to help museums achieve the following long-term impacts:

  • Museum collections, activities and exhibitions present a greater diversity of BAME perspectives, histories and experiences.
  • BAME perspectives and experiences are treated as a natural part of the histories that museums document and explore. They are consistently visible in collections, programming and other museum activities, and not limited to temporary activities aimed at solely BAME audiences.
  • Through delivering projects, museums identify and make changes that actively build anti-racist organisation. The changes are not restricted to engagement and programming but all aspects or organisational life. For example, how budgets are allocated and how staff are recruited and nurtured.
  • Museums have stronger, sustained and ethical relationships with BAME communities.
  • Museum staff, volunteers and boards will understand racism better and can confidently identify and make changes to their day-to-day work and personal behaviour as well as organisational practice.

We are working in partnership with the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust. The Education Trust is a specialist library and archive, focusing on the history of race and ethnicity, migration and anti-racist activism. The Trust has considerable experience of anti-racist and community-led collecting and engagement work with Global Majority communities. The Trust also has a strategic advocacy role as a nationally recognised centre of excellence and uses its expertise to support museums and other collections-based organisations to work in more anti-racist, anti-discriminatory ways, and in particular to ensure Global Majority histories and experiences are documented and explored ethically.

Click here to find out more about the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust>>

We are also very pleased to be working in partnership with a roster of trusted and experienced consultants to deliver the programme.  Click here to find out more about our consultants>>

Re:Collections – rhaglen AIM newydd o gymorth i amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru

A fydd eich amgueddfa yn hoffi cymorth a chefnogaeth i ddeall gwrth-hiliaeth a dadwladoli? A ydych yn ymrwymedig i adeiladu perthynas cryfach â chymunedau Mwyafrif Byd-eang a gweithio tuag at ymwreiddio eu safbwyntiau mewn gweithgareddau i gyd eich amgueddfa?

Mae AIM wedi cael cyllid gan Gronfa Diwylliant, Treftadaeth a Chwaraeon Llywodraeth Cymru, i gefnogi amgueddfeydd i gyflawni nodau a chamau gweithredu Diwylliant, Treftadaeth a Chwaraeon o Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol a’r Rhaglen Lywodraethu.

Cliciwch yma i ddarllen y Cynllun Gweithredu >>

Trwy’r rhaglen Re:Collection byddwn yn cyflenwi ymgynghori, mentora, gweithdai sydd wedi’u teilwra, a grantiau a chyfleoedd i rannu profiad a dysgu.

Resources for museums

Darllen Hiliaeth a gwrth-hiliaeth mewn amgueddfeydd

Maya Sharma, Programme Manager at Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust (AIUET) and strategic advisor on the Re:Collections programme highlights the importance of developing anti-racist approaches across all aspects of a museum’s work.

Cliciwch yma i ddarllen>>

GwrandoAdlewyrchu ar Re:Collections 

Mae’r drafodaeth hon rhwn Pennaeth Rhaglennu AIM Margaret Harrison ac ymgynghorwyr amgueddfa Maya Sharma, Isilda Almeida a Stephen Welsh yn archwilio cwestiynau am datrefedigaethu, gwrth-hiliaeth, newid sefydliadol, a chyd-greu sydd wedi codi fel rhan o raglen Re:Collections AIM.

Mae’n ymddwyn fel cam cyntaf neu lwybr mynediad i’r cwestiynau a chysyniadau cymhleth hyn, ac yn ffurfio rhan o adnoddau’r rhaglen Re:Collections.

  1. Un –  Beth yw datrefedigaethu?
  2. Dau – Beth yw gwrth-hiliaeth, a beth ydy’n golygu i fod yn wrth-hiliol?
  3. Tri – Pam y dylid blaenoriathu EDI a gwrth-hiliaeth gan sefydliadau?
  4. Pedwar – Beth yw cyd-greu?

Cliciwch yma>>

GwylioMae cyfranogwyr yn y rhaglen Re:Collections yn trafod eu gwaith hyd yn hyn

Cliciwch yma>>

Am y rhaglen

Mae Re:Collections yn cynnig cymorth ymarferol a chyllido drwy grantiau i gefnogi amgueddfeydd yng Nghymru. Nod y rhaglen yw helpu i amgueddfeydd gyflawni’r effeithiau hir-dymor canlynol:

  • Bydd casgliadau, gweithgareddau ac arddangosfeydd Amgueddfeydd yn cyflwyno amrywiaeth fwy eang o safbwyntiau, hanesion a phrofiadau Mwyafrif Byd-eang.
  • Bydd safbwyntiau a phrofiadau Mwyafrif Byd-eang yn cael eu trin fel rhan naturiol o’r hanesion y mae amgueddfeydd yn dogfennu ac yn archwilio. Maent yn weladwy yn gyson mewn casgliadau, rhaglennu a gweithgareddau amgueddfa eraill, ac nid yn gyfyngedig i weithgareddau dros dro a anelir yn unig at gynulleidfaoedd Mwyafrif Byd-eang.
  • Trwy gyflenwi prosiectau, mae amgueddfeydd yn nodi ac yn gwneud newidiadau sydd yn adeiladu sefydliad gwrth-hiliol yn weithredol. Nid yw’r newidiadau yn gyfyngedig i ymgysylltiad a rhaglennu ond maent yn berthnasol i bob agwedd o fywyd sefydliadol. Er enghraifft, sut y caiff cyllidebau eu dyrannu a sut y caiff staff eu recriwtio a’u meithrin.
  • Bydd gan amgueddfeydd berthnasau cryfach, mwy parhaol, a mwy moesegol gyda chymunedau Mwyafrif Byd-eang.
  • Bydd staff, gwirfoddolwyr a byrddau amgueddfa yn deall hiliaeth yn well ac yn gallu nodi a gwneud newidiadau yn hyderus i’w gwaith pob-dydd a’u hymddygiad personol yn ogystal ag arferion y sefydliad.

Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Addysg Ahmed Iqbal Ullah. Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Addysg yn llyfrgell ac archif arbenigol, sy’n canolbwyntio ar hanes hîl ac ethnigrwydd, ymfudo a gweithredu gwrth-hiliaeth. Mae gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth brofiad sylweddol o gasglu gwrth-hiliol a chasglu a arweinir gan y gymuned, a gwaith ymgysylltu gyda chymunedau Mwyafrif Byd-Eang. Mae gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth rôl eiriolaeth strategol hefyd fel canolfan rhagoraeth a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol, ac yn defnyddio’i harbenigedd i gefnogi amgueddfeydd a sefydliadau eraill sy’n seiliedig ar gasgliadau i weithio mewn ffyrdd sy’n fwy wrth-hiliol a gwrth-wahaniaethol, yn enwedig i sicrhau y caiff hanes a phrofiadau Mwyafrif Byd-eang eu dogfennu a’u harchwilio yn foesegol.

Cliciwch yma i ddarganfod mwy am Ymddiriedolaeth Addysg Ahmed Iqbal Ullah>>

Rydym hefyd wrth ein bodd i weithio mewn partneriaeth ag amrywiaeth o ymgynghorwyr profiadol y gellir ymddiried ynddynt i gyflenwi’r rhaglen. Cliciwch yma i ddarganfod mwy am ein ymgynghorwyr>>