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Reopening Checklist – Communicate with visitors
Communications with potential visitors about your museum reopening need to be carefully planned. Museums will open at different times so you need to let people know when your museum will reopen. If you are not reopening yet – let people know why. If you are planning your reopening people will need to know that you are open and what they can expect from a visit.
Visitors will need to be reassured that you have taken steps to ensure their safety and should be given clear information on what to expect, how to plan a visit (do they have to book?) changes they should be aware of – e.g. changes from cash to contactless payments, changes to accessibility, areas of the site or café that are not available or changed or new initiatives you are offering. You could provide pictures of what to expect on your website so people have a better understanding of how visits will work and what is available. FAQs may help here – how can I pay? Will there be social distancing? Can we use the play area? Don’t forget to include information about factors outside your control, e.g. public transport.
If you have limited control over your communications (e.g. you are part of a larger organisation) think as far as possible in advance how this might be overcome.
Clear onsite communications are also essential for smooth reopening e.g. via signage for one-way systems, to promote handwashing and social distancing or in person by staff or volunteers.
Next – Step 8 – Use your local network
Previous – Step 6 – Check on wellbeing
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