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Creswell Heritage Trust
Location: Creswell Heritage Trust, Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire border
Time Commitment: 4 meetings per year
Contact Details:
Creswell Heritage Trust is seeking two new Board members to help bring new thinking, views and experience and support our organisation as we shape a new future. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from people with skills and senior experience in Financial leadership/management and Human Resources.
We’re looking for people who are able to bring energy and commitment, take a proactive part in our board discussions, engage in healthy debate, respect others’ viewpoints and then gather around to support a consensus view. If you think you’ve got the skills, experience and personal qualities to support us in taking our next vital step, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 4 Full Board meetings per annum plus 4-6 Sub-committee meetings
Daytime or evening meetings: Daytime
Closing date for applications: Open
Contact details or web link for applicants to find out more:
Organisation website: