Gloucester Civic Trust

Job Title: Trustees
Location: Bishop Hooper House, Gloucester Civic Trust
Time Commitment: Approx 2 hours per week
Contact Details: [email protected]

We are looking for new trustees to fill key roles as we develop our activities at Bishop Hooper House; a medieval site in Westgate Street, Gloucester.

  • Finance;
  • Personnel;
  • Procurement;
  • Project management;
  • Commercial Law and Governance.

Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: Typically one meeting per month (main board is bimonthly) . Time perhaps two hours a week.

Daytime or evening meetings:           Evening

Closing date for applications:       None

Contact details or web link for applicants to find out more:

Martyn White, Chair, Gloucester Civic Trust on  or 07774 249492.