Royal Engineers Museum

Job Title: Trustees
Location: Royal Engineers Museum, Kent
Time Commitment: 4 meetings per year
Contact Details: Click apply button to find out more
Closing date: 2024-04-14

We are looking for dedicated, energetic and engaged people for the RE Museum’s first independent Board of Trustees.

We have vacancies for up to six Trustees who will join us at a truly groundbreaking time, as we transition into a Charity Incorporated Organisation.

We are building a Board of Trustees with a diversity of backgrounds, skills and experience; ensuring that we are best place to realise our ambitions, improve our public offer, our care for the heritage of the Corps of Royal Engineers and ultimately the positive impact we have on the lives of our growing audiences.

Role Description

Trustee Responsibilities:

  • Pro-active engagement with the Museum’s business, ensuring compliance with the REM’s Constitution, preparing for and attending Board meetings, reading papers and proactively engage in regular review of Board effectiveness.
  • Contribute actively and give a clear steer with regard to strategic direction of the Museum, setting overall policy, contributing on issues of particular special expertise, defining goals and targets, evaluating performance.
  • Oversight of risks and opportunities for the Museum’s main activity, including safeguarding the good name, ethos and values of the Museum.
  • Oversight to ensure the financial stability of the Museum and (where it arises) the proper investment of the Museum’s funds.
  • Oversight of the effective and efficient administration of the Museum, ensuring that the Museum applies its resources exclusively in pursuing its objectives and complies with statutory accounting and reporting requirements.
  • Act with integrity in the Charity’s best interests and declare any conflict of interest or loyalty in carrying out the duties of a Trustee.
  • Work within the Charity Commission’s guidance, Museum Association Code of Ethics and any Code of Conduct (or standards) for Trustees adopted by the Museum.

Person Specification:

  • Understanding and commitment to the work of the Museum and its charitable objects.
  • Recognise the ambassadorial role of a Trustee and positively promote the Museum whenever possible.
  • Display commitment in keeping up to date with relevant changes in the internal and external environment.
  • Be willing to challenge constructively Board meeting presentations and analysis.
  • Stimulate robust, high level thinking to develop ideas and strategies.
  • Regard being a Trustee as a learning opportunity to develop new knowledge and skills.
  • Take responsibility as a Trustee for all aspects of the Museum’s work and performance, including those outside their own area of expertise.

We are very happy to hear from all who may be interested in becoming a Trustee and are particularly keen to hear from those with a background in finance, fundraising & sponsorship, digital transformation, marketing and engagement, education and learning as well as those with a strong regional network.

Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: 4 meeting per annum

Daytime or evening meetings: Daytime

Closing date for applications: 14 April 2024

Click here for the full role details and the information on how to apply>>

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