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Trustee vacancy – The Heritage Centre, Bellingham
The Heritage Centre is big in ambition and commitment, with excellent foundations and a great reputation. Can you help take the Heritage Centre forward, grow, and maintain its high standards of presentation and customer care? Some of these roles can be carried out at the Heritage Centre, and some can be done remotely.
Marketing & Advertising
Do you have experience and expertise to help refine our marketing and advertising? We wish to increase footfall and attract new visitor segments and group visits. This post could also involve developing and leading a small team of volunteers to manage our Social Media.
Exhibitions & Interpretation (including digital)
The Heritage Centre commissioned a new Interpretation Plan in 2021. If you have experience in exhibitions and interpretation, we will welcome your help to implement this. You may have skills in collection management too. We wish to reach different audiences digitally and require help and advice with this.
Grant sourcing & applications
The Heritage Centre’s main source of income is admissions, shop sales and a modest lease income from the Carriages Tea Rooms. This covers basic costs but to do more we need grant funding, so we are looking for experienced help with sourcing and applying for grant funding.
Charity Secretary
We are looking for a Charity Secretary who will be responsible for formal meeting agendas and minutes, plus correspondence and returns to the Charity Commissioners.
Supporting the Friends – membership secretary and/or comms/Friends’ Newsletter editor
The Heritage Centre has a thriving Friends group. It needs a Membership Secretary, and/or someone who can manage communications (by post and email) with our Friends and edit the quarterly Newsletter.
Number of meetings per annum/time commitment: One meeting per month, can attend in person (when permitted) or by Zoom.
Daytime or evening meetings: Evenings. Occasional training workshops during the day.
Closing date for applications: 31 July 2021
Contact details for applicants to find out more: Steve Gibbon, Chair, [email protected]; 01434 344383