Trustee vacancy – Royal Hampshire Regiment Trust

The Royal Hampshire Regiment Trust is the main Board responsible for all activities to do with the Regiment, including the Museum and Memorial Garden. The Board is divided into 3 sub-committees: Museum & Memorial Garden; Finance & Governance and Comrades & Welfare.

Museum and Memorial Garden Trustee to be responsible for the following:

  • Ensure the Museum complies with guidelines and legislation
  • Assist with preparation for Museum re-accreditation
  • Ensure the museum reflects the local community
  • Advise the main Trustee Board on Museum issues
  • Ensure the Memorial Garden is suitably maintained
  • Fundraise to ensure viability until at least 2042.

Number of meetings per annum/time commitment:  4 Full Board Meetings per year, sub-committee meetings as required by members

Daytime or evening meetings:  Either (whichever suits the members)

Closing date for applications:       15 July 2022

Contact details for applicants to find out more:          [email protected]

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