Museum, Gallery and Collections Officer – Winding House Museum

Job Title: Museum, Gallery and Collections Officer
Salary: £16,259
Hours: 22 hours per week
Term: Fixed term appointment to 31 December 2023
Location: Winding House Museum, Cross St, Elliots Town, New Tredegar NP24 6EG
Closing date: 12:00 am 25 May 2023

Salary:  £16258.59 Grade 7 (SCP18) £17927.62 (SCP23)

Applications are sought for an experienced Museum, Gallery and Collections Officer to work as part of a small dynamic team to cover maternity leave at the Winding House Museum based in New Tredegar.

The successful applicant will be responsible for the development of the museum exhibitions, maintenance of the MODES collection catalogue, management of the museum collection stores, as well as provide support for lifelong learning events and promotion of the museum service to increase visitor numbers.

The post is for 22 hours per week and is a fixed term appointment running until 31 December 2023.

Working as part of the Caerphilly County Borough Council Visitor Economy team you will be in a work environment which is supportive and where you will be given the chance to use and develop your skills.  You will receive a generous rewards package including flexible working, membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme and generous annual leave allowance.

For the Job Description, Person Specification which sets out the full requirements of the post and to apply online, please click here

Closing Date:  25 May 2023

After reading the Job Description and Person Specification, if you would like to have an informal discussion about the role please contact Lesley Edwards on 01443 412248 or email: [email protected].

Applications may be submitted in Welsh.  Any application submitted in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than an application submitted in English.

We are legally required to ask you to provide evidence of your right to work in the UK.  Successful applicants are required to provide appropriate documentation such as a birth certificate, passport or work permit in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.

If you have any difficulty applying online, please contact [email protected] for further information.


Swyddog Amgueddfeydd, Orielau a Chasgliadau

Cyflog:  £16258.59 Gradd 7 (SCP18) £17927.62 (SCP23)

Rydyn ni’n chwilio am geisiadau ar gyfer Swyddog Amgueddfeydd, Orielau a Chasgliadau profiadol i weithio fel rhan o dîm deinamig, bach i gyflenwi dros gyfnod mamolaeth yn Amgueddfa’r Tŷ Weindio yn Nhredegar Newydd.

Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn gyfrifol am ddatblygu arddangosfeydd yr amgueddfa, cynnal a chadw catalog casgliadau MODES a rheoli storfeydd casglu’r amgueddfa, yn ogystal â darparu cymorth ar gyfer digwyddiadau dysgu gydol oes a hyrwyddo’r gwasanaeth amgueddfeydd i gynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr.

Mae’r swydd am 22 awr yr wythnos ac mae’n benodiad am gyfnod penodol hyd at 31/12/23.

Gan weithio fel rhan o dîm Economi Ymwelwyr Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, byddwch chi mewn amgylchedd gwaith sy’n gefnogol a lle byddwch chi’n cael y cyfle i ddefnyddio’ch sgiliau a’u datblygu nhw.  Byddwch chi’n cael pecyn gwobrau hael gan gynnwys gweithio’n hyblyg, aelodaeth o Gynllun Pensiwn Llywodraeth Leol a lwfans gwyliau blynyddol hael.  

Am Ddisgrifiad Swydd manwl, Manyleb y Person, a chyflwyno cais ar-lein cliciwch yma 

Dyddiad cau:  25 Mai 2023

Ar ôl darllen y Swydd Ddisgrifiad a Manyleb Person, os hoffech gael trafodaeth anffurfiol am y rôl cysylltwch â Lesley Edwards ar 01443 412248 neu ebost: [email protected].

Gellir cyflwyno ceisiadau yn Gymraeg.  Ni fydd unrhyw gais a gyflwynir yn Gymraeg yn cael ei drin yn llai ffafriol na chais a gyflwynir yn Saesneg.

Mae’n ofyniad cyfreithiol arnom i ofyn i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth o’ch hawl i weithio yn y DU.  Gofynnir i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus ddarparu dogfennau priodol megis tystysgrif geni, pasbort neu drwydded waith yn unol â Deddf Mewnfudo, Lloches a Chenedligrwydd 2006.

Os ydych yn cael unrhyw anhawster i wneud cais ar-lein, cysylltwch â [email protected] am ragor o wybodaeth.