Training grant – Museum Tech 2022

Our day at the Museum Association’s Museum Tech 2022 was enjoyable and although a lot of the information presented was targeted towards higher budget organisations, there were plenty of ideas that applied to us.  

We three particularly enjoyed the Immersive Storytelling presentation by Tim Powell, although he himself works on multi-million sized projects, the core ideas of immersion can apply to anyone that wants to tell a story. The planned new cloud-based database system for museums was also a highlight for us as all the problems with museum databasing and data sharing discussed resonated with us and the proposed solutions seem promising.  

It was exciting to hear about the new Anglo-Saxon exhibition in Winchester, especially their successful partnership with Ubisoft. There were a few presentations that missed the mark for us, where the content seemed more targeted at massive theme parks rather than museums, but those sessions did still present some challenging information to think about.  

 Overall, it was a positive learning experience for us and we’ll definitely be applying the knowledge we gathered to improve the visitor experience of our museum. 

Jayna, Tetbury Police Museum 

You can find out more about making an application for an AIM Training Grant here: