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CFG ARTSIG – Get ready for 2022
Where: Zoom online forum
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Join CFG ARTSIG – Get Ready for 2022 and start your year off on the right foot, with all the latest thinking and sector updates for Arts charities, including:
- audit changes coming in the next few years and how to prepare for them,
- new legislations,
- new tax reliefs for the creative sector,
- going concern and more!
CFG will be joined by Jane Askew, Director at haysmacintyre, who works with works with a wide variety of not-for-profit entities including charities in the arts and culture, education, and faith sector.
This event is free and exclusively for CFG members and is part of the Arts Special Interest Group (ARTSIG).
If you are not yet a CFG member, register for free at – membership is open to everyone in your organisation.
If you are a member and would like to join the ARTSIG please email [email protected]