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Specialist skills workshop – Critical conversations: co-curating with communities / Trafodaethau Hanfodol: Cyd-Guradu gyda Chymunedau
Where: Zoom online forum
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Mewn ymateb i’r cymorth a ofynwyd amdano yn ein rhaglen Rising Leaders, rydym wedi gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i ddyfeisio a chynnig y gweithdai sgiliau arbenigol canlynol. Bydd y gweithdai hyn yn eich darparu gyda’r sgiliau i symud ymlaen gyda’ch gyrfa a hefyd i ddatblygu beth y mae’ch sefydliadau yn ei gynnig.
Dan arweinyddiaeth Verity Smith, mae’r gweithdy hwn wedi ei gynllunio i adeiladu hyder a darparu’r sgiliau ymarferol a chyfarwyddyd i gynrychiolwyr ar sut i weithio gyda chymunedau i adrodd straeon newydd. Bydd yr astudiaethau achos a ddefnyddir yn edrych ar gynrychioli a rhoi llais i gynulleidfaoedd gwahanol, a sut i wneud hyn yn effeithiol gyda gydag amser ac adnoddau cyfyngedig. Byddai’n cynnwys:
- Egwyddorion ac ymarferion cyd-greu – sut y bydd hyn yn edrych ar raddfa fach?
- Deall a chyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol
- Y rôl y gall amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau ei chwarae mewn cefnogi a chynnal perthnasau gyda chymunedau.
Tasg (mewn grwpiau bach):
Dylai cynrychiolwyr ddod i’r gweithdy gyda gwybodaeth am un eitem yn eu casgliad.
Bydd cynrychiolwyr yn cael eu rhannu i grwpiau trafod bach i gyflwyno eu safbwyntiau a’u syniadau i’r garfan gyfan, am sut y byddent a’u cymuned yn ymateb i / arddangos / curadu hyn gyda’i gilydd – pa ddulliau y byddech yn eu defnyddio? Ym mha ffyrdd y gallwch annog ynwelwyr / y gymuned i ymateb? Byddwch mor greadigol â phosib!
Mae’r gweithdai hyn yn ddi-dâl i’w mynychu, ac maent ar gael i unrhyw un sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru mewn amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd neu archifau. Nid oes angen i chi fod yn aelod o AIM.
Mae 12 lle ar gael ymhob gweithdy. Cynhelir pob sesiwn fwy nag unwaith felly dim ond archebu un sesiwn bob pwnc sydd angen.
Cliciwch yma i archebu lle ar gyfer 14 Chwefror>>
In response to the support asked for in our Rising Leaders programme, we have worked with the Welsh Government to devise and offer the following specialist skills workshops. These workshops will provide you with the skills to move forward with your career and also develop the offering in your organisations.
Led by Verity Smith, this workshop is designed to build confidence and provide delegates with practical skills and guidance on how to work with communities to tell new stories. The case studies featured will look at representing and providing a voice to different audiences, and how to do this effectively with limited time and resources. It will include:
- The principles and practice of co-creation – what does this look like on a small scale?
- Understanding and reaching under-represented audiences
- The role that museums, libraries and archives can play in supporting and maintaining relationships with communities.
Task (in small groups):
Delegates should come to the workshop prepared with some information about one object in their collection.
Delegates will be split into small groups to discuss and then present their thoughts and ideas to the whole cohort as to how they, and their community would respond / exhibit / curate it together – what methods would you use? In what ways could you encourage visitors/the community to respond? Be as creative as you can!
These workshops are free to attend and available to anyone working in Wales in museums, libraries or archives. You don’t have to be an AIM member.
12 places available at each workshop. Each session runs more than once so you only need to book onto one session per topic.