Grow your museum over the holidays

With the busy Spring and Summer months fast approaching, now is the perfect time for your museum or heritage site to focus on increasing ticket sales and facilitating business growth with third-party bookings and integrated Gift Aid donations. AIM Associate Suppliers Vennersys tell you how.

Enable third-party bookings

By enabling direct bookings from external websites your museum or heritage site, you can attract new visitors, increase your venues exposure and expand customer reach to encourage higher ticket sales and improved profitability.

Visitors will be able to book tickets via a variety of sales channels, including online travel agents (OTAs), niche distributors, national campaigns and destination websites, alongside well-known global brands such as TripAdvisor.

Via Vennersys, third-party bookings can be offered through integration with Tourism Exchange GB (TXGB) and will provide your museum with access to over 80 destination websites such as Tourism South East, Shakespeare’s England, The Cotswolds, Visit Bath & Bristol, Welcome to Yorkshire, This is Durham and many more.

You’ll also be connected to niche distributors, including VisitBritain Shop & the National Lottery Days Out campaign, Rugby League World Cup 2022 Squad Trips, England Originals, Explorers Road, several noted travel writers and bloggers, plus renowned brands where your visitors can now make direct bookings.

Increase Gift Aid donations

By integrating Gift Aid donations into your daily business operations, your museum can quickly increase the take up of charitable donations. You won’t need to fill in lengthy forms or have a separate process, simplifying and speeding up the process at the point of sale.

With online contributions enabled, Museums & Galleries Edinburgh reported a 350% increase in donations within the first 14 weeks when compared to the whole of 2019.

A ticket bundle was introduced for the free events they held across their 13 venues in Edinburgh, which included the free ticket alongside a £3 donation to encourage more visitors to support their museums.

AVRO Heritage Museum has also experienced a 90% increase in Gift Aid donations. By integrating this feature, the Gift Aid process at point of sale is simplified, speeding it up by removing lengthy donations forms.

Make the most out of your data

With seamless data sharing and real-time reporting, you can make informed decisions to help support the growth of your museum or heritage site, as well as avoid over-selling on tickets with real-time updates on ticket availability.

Centrally controlled external integrations allow your venue to easily create and manage external sales and monitor data (e.g. live availability, pricing and bookings), including access to over 100 reports and business insights.

Data analysis can also help your museum identify opportunities throughout the holiday periods, better understand member behaviour and consumer activity across internal and external services to make informed choices for business growth.


We are an industry-leading provider of integrated online ticketing, EPoS and visitor management software. Our VenposCloud software offers simplified third-party integrations and seamless data sharing that is designed to help grow your museum or heritage site and maximise profits over the busy periods.

To find out more, visit, or get in touch by calling 01922 472 044 or email [email protected].