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Case Studies
I returned full of enthusiasm and ideas to take forward, and re-energised to talk to the Board about changes we need to make moving forward.
My first AIM conference was also my first in-person conference since the pandemic – it couldn’t have been a better opportunity to meet colleagues from around the UK and hear about the brilliant work going on.
I learned a lot from other AIM members across the two days and cemented current working relationships with AIM colleagues and organisations.
The conference programme was packed with interesting case studies and discussions covering all topics from carbon neutral initiatives to loving your community.
Tt was such a joy to be in a room with other Museum folk and the energy in the room was wonderful. The chance to meet people, share experiences, chat and network was invaluable.
After two decades of discussion, Redditch finally has a town centre museum to showcase local history. The team behind Redditch Local History Museum has successfully secured town centre premises, recruited volunteers and fitted out the museum during a pandemic – read how they’ve done it.
When Tenby Museum re-opened post-pandemic with a fresh look, Trustees felt there was a need to review its governance arrangements to make it fit for purpose in serving its communities, both local and tourists from further afield. Julie Evans, Trustee at Tenby Museum, explains how an independent look at the Board of Trustees has been beneficial in opening the debate about future needs of the Board.
Barnsley Museums have delivered the ‘Feels Like Home’ project in partnership with Barnsley Refugee Council, since 2018. A recent AIM Hallmark Grant funded the Taking Root project, which took members of Feels Like Home to visit historic gardens.
Costume is a fantastic and relatable way to tell the silk finishing story in Macclesfield, but the museum struggled to use this collection due to muddled storage, sparse documentation and a lack of collection knowledge. The project aimed to combat this with a new approach to storage, management and interpretation of the collection, to transform the visitor experience and strengthen financial resilience.